Win or Lose, it's always the same

Gotta consider myself having been very lucky for the last year or so, despite losing a good job to an insolvent business – I ended up back here with greater responsibility and more hardship than previously, which is nice, better to be busy and cold – can’t concentrate in heat - than dead and sweating...!  And I’m here on a Sunday, working to make up for 11 days I missed in January because of the snow and ice.  Grateful to my boss for not having me lose holiday time and let me fill in when I can or work from home but bit fed up of working 8 days a week, want to curl up in a ball & snooze like I did last week during lunch in a back room on a huge exec chair! No it’s not professional but it’s my party and I’ll zzzzz if I want to lol

We are all lucky!  We are ALIVE and think we are free to choose, which is almost as good as having a choice?  I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter when a 3 inch nail found a new home in my motorbikes rear tyre just before xmas but I did have a choice to fix it there and then or take another ride from the shop in the meantime.  A reluctant and simple and damn right lazy one really that completely changed my view of bikes or more to the point, big fat arsed scooters.  Until you get the chance to have a ride on a big “Executive Scooter” you won’t understand what I’m droning on about! The Piaggio X8 125 they lent me spewed its guts last week and died so I’ve ordered a brannie spanker in Black this time.  In doing this, not only will there be another top scoot in me kitchen, there will be a free escape route in fixing the dead one, can’t tell ya how, it’s naughty.


A lot of people, my friends included, are playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 a hell of a lot these days and have to admit, loving it too but last night I fell victim to some kid with an Aimbot... Anyone seen someone using one of these in game yet??  Totally impossible kills man, I mean I’m using something myself (Care Package Speed) that is a bit of a glitch but Aimbots just spoil the fun and the point of the whole thing.  I’ve some close mates to team up with on COD; we have Woz The Speed Stabber, ClaymoreDom who never runs out of Claymores, Bash and Tasty are great all rounder’s but enjoy stabbing too much, Harry Rubberball who will always switch teams so he can rape us all, Crazy Heff from NZ (major set designer and previously a God on Call Of Duty 2), Bandit who joined live @ xmas is getting better daily and seems to play 24/7, then me the part time camper with an RPD and shotties... Actually, I joined a game of Domination with Kev and Hn6 and told them I’d be camping, watching the “A” flag and Kev said “yeh but it encourages camping.....”  so now I do it less unless the entire opposite team are doing it lol Might be considering Mass Effect 2 too as it has 9.3/10 on CVG... was going to buy another PS3 for Heavy Rain and Drakes Fortune 2 but have a friend willing to lend me his console so that’s mint, but no-one to lend me ME2 L


Another reason I wanted to be here is to show people this:  an unashamed plug!

The powers that be have brought my old friend and service manager back to our bike dealership, hoorah, now we have him up to speed and there is less pressure on me I’ve taken the responsibility of running the above website for the owners and my boss – it’s a brand new site, quite boring to look at so I’m going to feck and fiddle about with it but we’ve just put a 10% online discount code on the home page for anyone looking for a bargain on top of a sale price. 

A lot of work to do with it tomorrow to specifications not yet told to me that may not be live for a week or so but I’ve a good idea where to go with what I want from it and I’m sorry if it’s inappropriate for me to try to generate sales through here but.... that’s exactly what I need to be doing J

T’other reason is to see if I can email this doc from my spanking net book (a first for me – never had a laptop or anything before) and/or copy/paste to this site.  Think I’m taking a trip to see the Giants Causeway in the summer on a big fatty scooter with a mate so would be good to travel and write, thus buying a net book.  BUT I should be working right now (stock taking another of our bike shops stock remotely) – they burnt down last year and this will finish the Insurance claim I think and it’s booooring as sin but it’s always the same:  No-one else wants to do it!  Think that’s why they put me onto the moto-passion thing, coz no-one else will do it!



ichienkai's picture

Somebody give me a clue on the font thing PLEASE!

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

and a good read put you could get in trouble for the other site i'd put it at the end of your sig, lol!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

You wont get in trouble Ichi!

You are our resident Bike dude, so you plugging your site fits with all your other bike blogs, looks pretty good to me! Good to know you are busy. It is super snowing here again today.. it is a good excuse to stay home but after so many weeks of it, it would be nice to be able to go out too! Not that I can't go out now, but at -5 and with a good few cm's of fresh snow on the ground going out with baby in buggy just seems like way too much hassle!

I'm enjoying MW2, and might give the first Mass Effect a go to see what all the fuss over the 2nd one is about, we have it sat on our shelf anyway.

Xandu will have to answer the font question, cos I am clueless, think it is to do with copy and pasting?

ichienkai's picture

.....Mass Effect 2.... just to keep a workmate quiet, praising the living daylights out of it!

Thanks for not rollocking me over the plug Zomb, sold two very expensive helmets this morning, who knows - could have been through a visitor to your site?!!  And my days just get even luckier, sold that Honda XR125 to a the perfect buyer - 17 year old for his birthday 1st March, couldn't be a better home for it but the bike will get sacrificed to the god of learner for he will drop it lots and not maintain it, cant' win 'em all.  Found a local corner store today that sells HASH BROWNS MAN, how cool is that? lol And finally got home to the start of the movie Amadeus on sky - excellent....but spoiled my plan to jump on Mass Effect 2 straight away haha And Revenge is dead which hurts coz I likes it much, perhaps too much, can only hope what comes next will be to mine and many others liking


--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--