playstation meltdown

what is happing to my ps3 lost data, can't sign in. but the mad thing is i can't play any games offline.

games are loading up then i start to play and then the ps3 just crashies.

whats going on is it just my playstation on its way to a slow death, any idears. 


SUFFUR's picture

It was hit with a Millinium Bug type of thing as it recognised 2010 as a leap year, and hence froze all these version of the PS3 out from games, the net etc. Sony have fixed the problem and you should now be able to get on line with it, but no details I have read at theis time say what ya do other than try and sign in again.

To some of my friends it was funny, due to them having slim's , but in truth a few million people could not game yesterday, and I am saddened by this because they could not game, but then again I'm an Xbox guy so sorry you peepes could not play, Xbox 360's are going cheap this week pick one up soon, and be a true gamer and own all the consoles, lolz.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

A link with a link to all PS3 "fat" users which talks about your problem:


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?