Aaargh! Keep getting kicked from live while doing challenges

 I keep getting kicked from live while doing challenges. It's very frustrating and must annoy the others I am doing challenges with. It's been fine for ages and then all of a sudden the last few days very flakey. 

I've done all the network checks and it seems fine. Any ideas?

Cheers, Rob.

SUFFUR's picture

normally fixes it and if not by thursday? or you have a NAT problem with someone in the room?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

jamm13dodger's picture

 Happened in a few different rooms. I'll have another go tomorrow night. Driven me nuts tonight so i'm going to leave it for now. 

I am a few more events closer to my elite license though ;)

Cheers, Rob.

jamm13dodger's picture

So I stuck the iphone in flight mode last night and no more problems. It remains to be seen if that'll stay that way but I'll update in a week or so in case others have the same problem