We haven't gone completely crazy like the Xbox.com forums, but the latest update has brought some slight changes.
There is a clear key to what the symbols next to the posts mean at the bottom of each page.
The navigation is clearer... I can't remember what it looked like before, but as it was the first thing I noticed when I saw the new forum, I figured it must be clearer than it was.
I'm mostly making this post as a test.
Hope you enjoy the changes! This is your site as much as it is ours, so let us know what you think of the changes. :)
Tue, 07/19/2011 - 09:02
Even more changes!
Along with the full face lift of the site, the forums required a face lift too. The old format of having our avatar pics on the left hand side really wasn't working with the new site layout.
So, now we have a top banner instead. l think it seperates the posts nicely. Looks much better this morning then it did last night anyway.
Still a few little tweaks to make before it's perfect!