Burnout Revenge Winter Tournament.

Starts December 17th, Saturday, 12pm PST I think that 8PM UK If needed the turnament will start earlier.

Post here if you want in.

Need at least 30 people for this tournament 6 people in 5 rooms if possible or 6 people in 4 rooms.


Players will be accumulating points as they progress through the rounds. I will be keeping track of everyone's points. After each round, player points will be added to the previous round. Top three players from each room will be put together with the top three from other rooms.

First round
3 tracks 4 laps

Second round
4 tracks 4 laps

Third round
5 track 5 laps

10 Tracks 6 Laps
after 5 tracks players get 10 to 15 or 30 min break. Depending on the players

Other rules! if a player gets lagged out from the game everyone must quit and start over. If the same player laggs out again the players will continue regardless.

No glitching in the tournament.
Glitching will cause FORFEIT! Unless it is accidental but you have to let the room know!

Tracks will be picked randomly
Random US
Random Europe
Random Asia

First place gets three 1600 Microsoft points

Second place gets one 1600 Microsoft points and 10$ giftcard to Gamestop

Third place gets 20$ giftcard to Gamestop.

Final Prize may vary depending on the Winners.


Xandu's picture

First of all I just want to say that I think that it is really cool that you are taking the initiative to start a Revenge Tournament.

Then on to my question: Will all the rounds be on the same day?


-- The Creator --

Xedec's picture

I have 14 people already signed up and I need 10 more.

if the tournament last longer then I intended, then it will be necessary to finish it another day.

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)