
Has anyone played Crash! with their Kinect? What is it like?

ZombieTron's picture

but we haven't tried it yet.

We really need to get around to it one of these days. I really liked the adverts with David Hasselhoff showing off the Kinect moves for Burnout CRASH!

Maybe I will be able to improve my scores if I use Kinect??? cheeky

OveReAction's picture

but I know how it controls. You know, you just move yourself to the direction of your car you want to head. You see the icon at the lower right side of the screen. It's pretty much different of what Zombie played in a Rush Hour gameplay video.

ZombieTron's picture

I think that is probably why we haven't tried it yet, I think it looks less fun in reality then when we pretended to play with Kinect! wink