Morning Bloggy

morning Bloggy

just got myself a new phone Nokia N95 and its sweet, SatNav, TV, Radio, internet but the best thing about it is while I was mucking about in a back office I realised I could use it as a Modem to connect the PC to the web and I could access burnoutaholics, I wonder how much this privalage cost's, Ive got to find that out before I get a monster bill.

Another good night on Revenge, and I dont think I pissed any one off either kinda makes a change, I got a mint Takedown on Xandu (well no actually it was lucky I think he was looking away or talking to his other half) but Im going to take the credit Taaaakkkkkeeeedddddoooowwwwnnnnn, and there is no way on God's earth he is ever getting it back either unlucky looser boy.

Oh and what does Xan and Zombie have in common thats right Bloggy they are both out of the top 1000, hahahahahaha.

right Im off Bloggy going to see if Giuppy wants to join this site, I wonder if he can read English cos I know he cant talk it, ah well I suppose he could type Mario all the time..

wow I dont half type a load of Bull ah well never mind maybe one day I might type something intresting, na I dont think so 


Xandu's picture

It was fun racing, to bad you had to leave after 3 races. Guess I'll have to get it back next time :-) Hopefully I'll be a little bit more of a challenge... I was a little bit rubbish last night... far too tired to race really. Have a good day!

-- admin --

-- The Creator --