My Bro is going.

My brother goes back to Aussie today but via Sydney, then back to Perth, Boot, right then left or east then west of Australia, . I have had a good time with him, though he seemed to go to the gym a lot and met up with old friends. I met up with my Step Grandma and her oldest son and his wife and daughter. I must say the daughter was very entertaining, she is only a young child, but she has a very interesting mind and can do stupid voices like me, so we had fun. We went to a pub on the east coast of singapore, called Scruffy Murphys and met up with some friends of my dads (i know them too so they are my friends as well), but the cool thing about this meet up was i saw their son, a 7 year old called Bruce, named after Bruce Springsten(sp), his dad is a huge fan, following the real Bruce over 5 states, in America. But the coolest thing is they are Japanese, the place of the rising sun, Boot, and they did some stuff in the 40's that upset some people, but all is well now, as they own most of America, like the Saudies, Boot, they have all the oil and are in the middle of the world map and have lots of sand. (Bootleg if you think i pick on you too much please say).

Anyway, i have found some more interesting gaming shops, that sell the PS3 and 360 Elite, which here are both the same price of $799 (singapore dollars). But the cool thing about the gaming shops is they do comics and action figures and models(ones you build), and they do alot of Japanese animation figures, you know the ones with the big boobs, split skirts showing of thier nickers.  I do spend more time in there than i should, lots of Dead or Alvie figures with swimsuits on and stuff like that. I also come across(no don't even think that thought drunk) a Star Wars shop that was full of all stuff refering to that Galaxy Far Far Away. They had the lot, figures(big and small, new and old), Lego (Death Star and Star Crusers), models,(all made up and painted), Light Sabers, big and small(even on key chains), comics, movies on all formats like Laser Disk, VHS, DVD etc. It was a cool shop. Any way it was all out of my price range, as well as i could not take any serious photos, i only got the outside of the shop, sad but the best i could do.

Over here you can get DS games that have 501 games on them, that supposedly have all the Marios on the them, Mario kart, etc. And talking of Mario Kart, i found a Arcade(another one)that had Mario Kart Arcade 2 in it with 4 machines linked up which was cool ( had some very strange new characters in it, and some new pokemon ones) , i played Time Crisis 4 and some other 4s and played Intial D Drift Racer 4 and kicked the computers ass, thought i did not beat it on expert, i picked the worst car to do that and i ran out of tokens to retry that event, But i got some top times so i am happy. lol.

Anyway i have enough for today and i need a smoke. Cya all. (thats Goodbye Boot )