Daily Post (thats a local paper damn)

Evening Blogg

Even thou I did get up late this morning it hasent been a bad day, its been warm and quiet with not much going on so I have had a little time to browse the internet and have a look at PGR 4 and wow I like it the bikes look pretty sweet and it looks as though you can taunt your opponents and pull off various stunts, I have also uploaded a Avatar to this great blog site (thanks to hn6 for the advice) and hopefully it will keep suffur happy for a while (I could get him some more Dolls hehehe), I had a look at the xbox forums earlier that was a waste of time, same old thing on the revenge forum some kid complaining about the boost glitches you know they are glitches if it aint in the book heck it aint supposed to be in the game, it was the same on Halo 2 with everyone doing superbounces and bxr etc. etc. I used to have a friend who would bridge connections to force host on them selfs and get the edge needed to win, his excuse was that he was only doing it incase the other team did it and kicked his team out, okie dokie whatever, dont really have much to say today other than I have been really busy with work and not had the time to post much so dont get upset Bloggy it aint you ok..

I had thought of uploading a picture of my self but thought best not to as we dont want Xandu and Lee getting dumped do we..

right thats it I think Im all out of moan's, I cant think of anything intresting to say, so I will go and post some gibberish on someone else is blogg laters Bloggy woggy