response to Zom's Where? question

well its been a while and it seems little miss tron has been missing me by the last message I got on the 360... so i'll explain what i have been up to and why i've not been on as much as normal...

so lifes been a little busy for me for good and bad reason... get the bad out the way first.. i have spent a few days helping the ex or soon to be completely ex-wife with getting her shit together around going back to the states for a couple of months and also sorting out the divorce papers.. (nearly there at last....) so that has taken up some of my evenings over the past couple of weeks...

for the good.. well i've been out and about (yes i know having a social life can be detrimental to your gaming..) but I have been productive with my time.. i have been meeting with other burners who sadly to say are not on the site yet.. but you never know maybe they will join with my unmerciless promoting of this site.. so for those who know her Tipsy is fine and well and just not into the gaming at the moment but will probably be back with the release of Paradise..

I have also been working on my boarding (snow) skills.. over the past 3 weeks I have added a couple of new tricks to my park skills, I can now boardslide, butter the muffin and starting to get some serious air when stompin the kickers.. must remember more weight on the front foot and stop flapping the back arm .. although it has been quite a painful experience learning this things (sprained wrist and many brusies)...  but things are going well.. next week its getting the rotation of the kickers so maybe i will be able to do my own 360 and land it...

so when will I be back.. soon hopefully... maybe today maybe tomorrow but someday for the rest of my life..... sorry got lost in a thought..  but tonites plan is to get more ink done on my arm.. have booked in for my new tattoo tonight so depending on the amount of pain it causes I should be around laters...

so Zom and Xan if your about tonight I may just have to hunt you down and stalk you though the races.. i think you both have a nice little green triangle next to you names...


there is a thin line between genius and insanity, i think i've fallen off.....


ZombieTron's picture

Good to race with you tonight drunk!  and nice tattoo too!

Brian Won BB8!

I will get those 4 takedowns back next time!

Xandu's picture

Cool racing with you again drunk. Not sure how many takedowns I had on you in the end but I guess you will get it back next time.

- The Creator --

-- The Creator --