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Both Xandu* and ZombieTron** have been mentioned by Alex Ward which has helped to spread the word about BurnoutAholics.com but I think you can do better!
Can you get the BurnoutAholics.com name out there and really bring in new users?
Add a comment to this story to say how you have promoted the BurnoutAholics.com name - the biggest, best and most innovative (as judged by BurnoutAholics.com Admin) will win a Burnout 2: Point of Impact T-Shirt and a copy of the game for Xbox. (the judges decision is final)
What I really want to see is how many times we can get BurnoutAholics.com mentioned on the Crash FM podcast!
* Xandu was mentioned in our previous members only content see here.
** ZombieTron was mentioned in episode 3 of the Crash FM Podcast read about her naming and shaming here.


Xandu's picture

I got Alex Ward to say www.BurnoutAholics.com SIX times in FIVE minutes on the 4th episode of the Crash FM podcast. 

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --

Xedec's picture

lol yeah i heard that was awsome both you and zombie we mentioned hah

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

oO EezO Oo's picture

Podcast 5 they read a couple of my questions.  I told em I was a BurnoutAholic and then at the very end around 34 minutes Alex rattled off 'one of our fansites burnoutaholics.com' real quick.  Gotta be worth at least a point or something.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!