Wher s he goin

Driver: SUFFUR
Date: 2007-09-08
Comments: Where is he going?
Download link: WhereIsHeGoing.wmv




SUFFUR's picture

Since this is one of my clips i better say something about, what happens is so fast that you might just miss it? Basically i'm on White Mountain, going down hill, taking out some cars in a Black Elite Racer, and Xan, thank you Xan i know its not easy, has used the behind car view or it would never really be seen, and as i go further down there is some traffic and another rival to hunt down in front the traffic, and the rival just behind them, but as i come up on him, there is another, rival, going the other way, just missing his fellow rival on the left hand side. Now this is interesting, as he clips his fellow rival, but does not take him down, and i think he is going fast enough, that i would to have liked to see where i went if i hit him head on. I have played a race with drunk and 4 other racers, and we are doing White Mountain, and Drunk and I, plus another racer are going one way while the other three are going another, a serious game of Kamakazi, that only lasted for 3 laps, but it was fun, the next round it was two of us going the wrong way then round 3 just one was going the other way, strange but true and fun, lol

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?