sup looser boy

Ezo dude I have not lost interest in this great site I have simply been very busy with work dude, were as I used to get up at 6am and go on the Internet for a couple hours I now get up at 6am and go to work and as for the evenings well nobody but nobody gets my revenge time, I had a great time racing with you and your pals last night dude, its kinda funny how all the American chicks like me more than you, looser boy, hahaha only joking man (not).. Hey Nutty Netty how are you doing, oh sorry Ezo you don't have a pet name for her (dude you suck).. and then there is Pink, wow what a chick all she has to do is say my name and I crash like a noob (damn you Pink your to hot), sorry for leaving the game in such a noob way last night  but it was a case of race with Ezo or race with ichi's chick sorry man you lost, that's right ichie guess who I was with last night yes ichi your chick, guess what she said to me dude , keep guessing man as I will never reveal what went on last night, after all a gentleman never brags dude, (unlucky looser boy) dont worry dude there is only one chick for me and her name begins with the letter  'S' (no not suffur he is a guy),

ichie, ichie Saturday night and you go at 9:30pm you light weight looser, dude I stayed on till 11pm damn it I am so hardcore hahahahaha lol..

so Neternet, aka hot chickalita oh heck Im just gonna call you giggles, do you know the Creators chick you guys would get on really good (has sordid vision) she giggles as well dude'et, how come you dont post, dang it babe (you think that will do Ezo)

right I think that's it, no hang on I haven't mentioned suffur yet, so sup suffur and what the hell are you wearing in your pic..

right got to fly, I want to try and get a router today, and I want to post on other sites that are not burnout related (thats right Ezo)

did you guy's know that on the google search bar thing'y there is a spell check and god damn it it works pretty damn good, right laters bloggy woggy


Xedec's picture

sorry but dud a lot of american chicks arnt that hott i like foreign chicks my self lol


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

Jinno Angelo's picture

"dont worry dude there is only one chick for me and her name begins with the letter  'S' (no not suffur he is a guy),"

-- HAHA!!!! Sure....................

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

oO EezO Oo's picture

Hey it was alot of fun racing with you and Ichi too.  I think we were all a little bit drunk out of our heads, that was some fun racing.  No verticals on Boot this time though, how unlucky.  Well on the Netternet side of things I just make em up as I go.  No official pet names.  Can't really tag that girl into one word anyways.  Im gonna have to bother her some more into posting something out here.  I know she does read all this stuff so how about this - "Hey Netters, don't you want to get on here and talk about how intoxicated we were and that noone wanted to race you in a ranked room?" (I know nobody was worried about me)   ooh, that might get her.  Sorry boot, I had to get back to your 638 rank comment and Ichies 'we were all inebriated' comment LOL.  But for sure that was some fun racing, we gotta do that again sometime.

" Ooh ooh ooh......VERTICAL.......sweeeeeeeeeeet! "

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!