Brown Trousers

We have two bridges on Anglesey that cross over to the mainland one is a Suspension bridge and is mostly used by locals due to its location and the other is a railway bridge converted after a fire in the 1970's to take motor vehicles and trains, well in the 70's the road leading to it was a single lane but today its a dual lane carriageway with two slip roads joining so as you can guess it gets to a bottle neck and certain times in the mornings is a nightmare, now  a couple years ago I did my Theory exam for riding a motorbike (I never got to the Practical ) and of course had to learn the highway code and somewhere in there  it tells you to use both lanes in a traffic que as it eases congestion and the flow moves a little faster, so there I am doing 70 mph through rush hour traffic in a empty lane when this stupid cow in a silver Rover ( couldnt get the number due to brown trousers time) decides to change lanes at 5 mph I think its called lane blocking and a few retards do it, I did try to brake but had a unsecured load on the back of my pick-up and a emergency stop would have broken a few things, now if I was in a lorry the woman would be dead  and so would a few other people but I managed to swerve to the right narrowly missing the center reservation, I gave her a long honk of my horn and sped off clutching my heart, now people the moral of this story is Learn you friggin Highway Code because if I had hit her it would have been her being prosecuted not me, and the other side of the bridge well I'm not going to tell you about that today as that is worse, yes I get road rage do you blame me when there are so many dumb drivers out there, last week I was driving on the Island on a normall road average speed 50mph when this old TW** in a real small car decides to ram me, I could understand if he was cutting a corner but the road was straight I think he just lost concentration (again if I was in a Lorry he would probably be dead) but my pickup is very agile and swerves real good,..

Hey Netternet