
so I had a couple of beers last night and do remember being wise enough not to play burnout and pissing people off (flashback) oops I had one ranked game with a host from noobsville, who asked me if I wanted to race just him and me of course I said no as it would be boring, guess what he started it with three people and one was a echo boy, 190 cars on default WTF!!! to easy man those cars turn like a Nixon, I couldn't manage any boosting glitches (yes they are glitches cheaters) and I couldn't drift, but I did manage not to crash (something new for me) (being called a cheating mofo is not a way to get me to teach noobs new things) anyway the host was ok pretty cool man and he didnt scream to much when he got timed out, but his friend wow what a mouthy looser boy, if it was me I would probably have said good game but no he had to go off on one (typical of a bad looser) and as I wasn't capable of talking back (to much Stella) I had to take it, never mind, I have also just remembered that i posted something here but cant find it, I do hope that I closed the program before posting as the Internet is a no no when under the influence of alcohol, I also played a little MOH and apparently I am on the last level on easy and its impossible, you have these Nazi scum with really big machine guns who seem to have bullet proof body's, two rockets between the eyes and I am the one that dies, I have got to finish it today, right again this is all I can be bothered to wright I'm a coming Xandu, it wont be long now, I will soon sit on my rightful throne just above you looser and then Zom will see you in a new light move down to Wales and we will laugh at your lack of addiction points live happily ever after laughing every day, oops hang on Xan is the Creator *runs away*.. late-rs bloggy