Crash FM podcast 6 is here!

Check out the latest podcast at Go listen to it, it is good!

Lots of questions from the mailbag answered in this episode. Not a lot of new information though.  

There will be a BIG Burnout Paradise related announcement from Criterion/EA next Thursday



Xedec's picture

omg!! so lame!!! they still got my miss spelling but i used spell check that lame i hate apple computer!!  hahaha even phil is on it and they complamented him omg i hate apple damn it!! good job phil on the complament! and i like how Frozenvapor is in it too asking a very good question!! haha and alex gave away about haveing a starting screen muhahahah funny stuff!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

ZombieTron's picture

  • There will be NO Speedometer
  • There will be NO Police Cars
  • There will be NO Explosions or Crash Breakers
  • There will only be 4 wheel vehicles
  • You will not be able to drive big Lorries
  • There will be a DJ on the sound track

I can't remember what else was mentioned, but I think those are the main things that were covered as far as Paradise info goes.