hey blogster

sup Bloggy not much to say today, I havent played much this weekend it could have something to do with the lack of people online on revenge, I mean were does everyone go, ok so I can understand ich being under the thumb and all that, dude if you dont stamp down your foot now who knows what could happen, dude if she is bigger then get a big stick, I have new Idea for a Poll

question, were do you go at the weekends

answer I am not a BurnoutAholic and go out

dudes Wtf!! I had one race in a ranked room last night and I had to mute the host and his friend not because they were loud or nasty (they were a nice couple) but because they were cheating to gain rank, not in a bad way  as cheating goes but 1 lap on motor city short is Gay of course Im going to win but I quit as revenge to me is not about that  I want to go for take down's I want to park up in a shortcut and ruin someones rank (ichi) heck I want to see how many laps I can go without crashing (going to beat half pretty soon) I dont like winning its boring I like Takedowns they are fun, its fun to ram someone into a wall at 250mph and hear them shriek like a girl (Ezo) ok I made that one up, laters bloggy im bored..


Xedec's picture



The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)


(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)