Its the chick by the way

so its nearly closing time at work and we get a phone call from Hewlett Packard Wtf!! and its some guy just calling to see if everything is ok and we are pleased with the help we received today Wtf!! apparently they phoned up customer services because and wait for it this is a good one, the laser printer would not pick up the paper from tray 2, now let me first explain something we use a 160 card that is cut to a specific size not available to buy so we have to cut it ourselves and when you do that with a guilotine if you put to many in they tend to bend a little at the edges and hence stick together so all you do is flick through them as I have explained before, Oh no they cant do that, they have to phone up the £2 a second help desk who couldn't really help them as they did not know the full story about the card and size thingy and persuaded them to use tray 1, which by the way is set up to use  a different size paper, I give up..,,,

I tried a new approach to Revenge last night and god damn it worked, I did pretty good won a few races, well nearly all of them actually and then motormouth goes Bootleg's on form tonight, why did you have to curse me like that ichi why!! I was doing so good, the rooms were ok as well with a lot of really nice people online apart from when ichi decided to leave a room and come back on his 1 month account and that's when it all went wrong for me, the class of people we raced against deteriorated, we had none speakers, people with dodgy headsets, people that swore, ok that was a dig at Xan and Zom I wont say which was which but anybody who has raced against them will no and then foxy joined our room and every one left, unlucky Foxy, we did not tell her that you were going to race with some friends but went for the, they don't like you routine (thats what you get for saying the F-Word constantl in a race), did you know that the word Bootylycious is in the English dictionary, I am so famous wow, right thats all for now, oh hang one one more thing before I go, if I don't get Halo 3 today I will delete anyone on my friends list that is seen playing it tonight and will permantly block all request from them, you have been warned... laters Bloggy


ZombieTron's picture

I do swear more than Xandu, but partly because I don't mute my mic when I want to swear!!




BootlegGiant's picture

or maybe that Xandu dosent have a mic, you would think that he would bring one over with him (cheepo) dang it did I say that, no it wasent me, please dont punish me Mr Xandu our beloved Creator

----Insert witty comment----

Xandu's picture

I actually bought the XBox 360 Messenger kit yesterday. So I've got a chatpad and a new headset now. The headset doesn't seem to have the same design flaw as the original one which is good. This is my fourth headset. Im going through headsets like you are going through Burnout Revenge discs.

-- The Creator --

-- The Creator --