Are you fan enough to buy 10 copies of Paradise?

No Way!!
57% (12 votes)
I will get 2 or 3..
14% (3 votes)
Ofcourse I will get 10!
19% (4 votes)
Only if I win the Lottery!!
10% (2 votes)
Total votes: 21


BootlegGiant's picture

it would depend on how much I like it and how long a disk would last, usually if I am into a game I will go through 4 or so disk's,


----Insert witty comment----

thephilofwar's picture

LMAO what is the poll about? Is this a joke--I doubt most casual gamers could afford 10 copies, and even if they could, why? Don't you only need one to play?..


This is the truth that I am revealing before you! Behold; those who hear me now, have got ears to hear from!


Made you look

ZombieTron's picture

Yes you only need One to play,unless you are Boot (what do you do to your disks dude??!). But Alex Ward said in Podcast 7 that true fans would buy 10 copies, so this poll is to see how many of us meet that criteria.

I voted that I would if I won the Lottery, I could easily find good homes for 10 copies of Paradise, but can't afford it!


drunknnumpty's picture

So the God that is Mr Ward is saying true fans will buy 10 copies of paradise.. sorry but this is a joke right.. he really cannot believe this can he??


Think about it.. Paradise is undoubtedly going to cost around the £40 mark, which means each ‘true fan’ will have to spend around £400 to show his loyalty to the game.. which in turn means more money for him.. is that they ploy.. baiting the fans of his creation into spending money that they may not have on multiple copies of the game and increasing his bank balance.. something’s not right here..


So if I had £400 to spend on the 10 copies of Paradise I think I would go and get an Elite system and still have enough to purchase a couple of copies.. seems far more sensible and does not affect the status of ‘true fan’ in my eyes..


Surely the ‘true fan’ is someone who plays the game not owns multiple copies.. someone who spends hours learning the roads and techniques of the game.. someone who plays the game offline until completing it as far as they can and still enjoying it.. someone who clocks up the hours online playing it against other likeminded people.. someone who is willing to provide information even feedback to the creators on what improvements they would like.. and wants to be involved through the whole process of new releases.. like most people on the site all we want is to burn.. be it on Takedown, Revenge or the long anticipated Paradise..


I don’t want to knock the man who started it all.. the man we all worship with starry eyed awe.. but please remove you head from a certain orifice and get a little bit of a reality check and stop being so greedy..


I have already pre-ordered Paradise months ago.. and until this disc goes belly up I won’t be looking to buy another copy.. when it does finally give up.. which with the way I look after my disc it surely will.. I will go out and get another copy.. hopefully by this time the purchase cost will have dropped saving me more money..


There, rant over.. and Alex if you read this I would like to say ‘Hello I’m drunknnumpty and I am a true burnout fan but...’, you can complete the rest of the sentence however you feel you need to as it probably doesnt matter what I think...


There is a thin line between genius and insanity, I think I’ve fallen off..

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

ZombieTron's picture

I really don't think he was being serious! Maybe I should cange the poll now...

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

Did not see him buy me one of those or his loyal 'fans'. Because he said we needed them, lol!

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when its going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

drunknnumpty's picture

Zom, I really didn't care that much about what he said.. was just being antagonistic to see if God checks the site regularly and to see if I could get a mention on the podcast without having to write a question.. plus I haddn't writtern anything recently and this gave me a chance to do all three in one.. lol


theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...

theres a thin line between genius and insanity... i think i've fallen off...