Blogg Master B, back in da house

Gooooooooood Morrrrrnnnnnniiinnnggg BLOGGY, long time no post you are thinking, well yes I have been busy (not really just couldent be botherd), so the            t-shirts have finally been given away (to the wrong people) right urm what did I want to rant about just two things today firstly Wtf!! is it with Our Lord the Creator and his hot chickalita getting to play Paradise before me damn you guy's, I have it on pre order since the begining of time, heck I pre orderd it when I pre orderd Revenge.. I Have downloaded the PGR 4 demo as there has been a mail strike in the UK and my copy has not turned up and probably wont for another week, and Urm So I am riding the Ducati Monster on Nurmberg in the snow and it dosent slide on corners, Im not talking about drifting  I am talking about loosing controll on the snow, it dosent happen, I havent tried the cars yet, I justl like doing stoppies on the bikes, thats my mini rant, Oh yeah and I havent played Revenge for what seems to be a week, I have experianced no side effects as yet, played a little Halo 3 last night, You know how the other team always seem to have one good player that plays like god himself well just my luck they had five good players, that kinda sucked but its better than H2 as they cant trash talk you in the game, I still have that one level to do to complete Legendery, we tried it the other night but the third retard in our party decided he had to go to work half way through and so we were taken back into the lobby and the lession there is to ask people if they have the time to do the whole level.. right im off bloggy woggy laters..  


ZombieTron's picture

I am still carrying a stupid grin on my face from getting to play Paradise early and meeting all the good folks at Criterion! Sorry you didn't win a T-shirt Boot. We still have one left tho, so we might give you the chance to get that one!! More to be revealed on this at a later date, or at least when we have a bit more time to sort it out!

Halo 3 has kinda killed Xbox Live! nobody seems to be playing anything else! personally I think its overrated, and it still makes me feel sick a bit too. I hope the initial excitement dies down soon so we can get some good races going again. 

--- The Original and the Best ---

BootlegGiant's picture

everybody has their games, I personaly think that rainbow 6 sucks and cannot understand why so many people play it, You should try PGR 4 it looks and feels like a good game all though I am yet to go online with it.


Cymru am Byth