Rainbow 6 Vegas (FAQ)

we wuz robbed. we don't have the right connections on gamebattles.com if we did we would have won.. yayyyyyy for us.. here is the main body of the ticket i sent in. whyioughta....

i see you dont need our side of the story, you have already awarded the RRT clan the win when the match didn't take place and they showed up 35mins late with only 4 players. i know i'm pissing into the wind here cause they have referees on there clan, like they say, "its not what you know, its WHO you know".

the very least you could have done was let us put our side of the story across.
Thanks for nothing.

the lesson here is:- get the first punch in.

ZombieTron's picture

Cos I guess thats an automatic forfeit huh?  It's not the winning tho Kev, it's the taking part!

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