Even More Life Without Burnout

So its Saturday night, i been working all freekin day and i have to come home to a Nintendo Gamecube with Resident Evil 4 and the original xbox and a sh*t load a games which are poo poo poo:  Retro gaming... I am so glad that things progress.  How did i ever put up with the graphics and game play on Call Of Duty The Big Red One?  Why am i pounding the hell out of a bicycle on the motorways of San whatever on GTA San Andreas trying to shoot a motorcyclist with a poxy machine gun so i can steal his motorcycle?  Why is Burnout 3 so easy now i can drift an stuff thanks to the time i've put into Revenge?

Yes Boot mate i'm sorry to say but i did actually play B3 offline for what i have now found out is like 20 hours! Online B3 no!

Burnout Revenge on the original xbox ... i craved to play like:  i would sacrifice a takeaway from the finest food from Zanzibar (Tenacious D) to play a few laps of it and now i'm like i could be visualising refined graphics, drifting soooo smoothly, talking to my mates... ok getting a load of grief from my mates for wanting to win (all the time).  So glad things progress.  What has being without a 360 and my fav game Revenge taught me?


I smoke too much definately, i eat too many takeaways (don't put on weight though - weird) I can actually play some good guitar... i'm a lazy bollocks (seems to be the only swear word allowed on the site at the mo so i'll go with it) should be decorating a spare room right now.  I've neglected some of my actual tangible friends and family with my addiction to all things online.  I still refuse to spend time working on any of my bikes, hell i work in a bike shop and we have many mechanics who owe me favours, what can i say the passion has gone.  I love my blog Xandu i can take a load out on it dude, thank you!

I am addicted to xbox 360 live: that is the main thing i have learnt since the Ring Of Death. Its true i miss my online friends, we all have people we can trust even though we have never met them in real life.... some we don't need to.

Wow profound bollocks (can we keep bollocks as allowed please - it has many forms an i like it) just tired....  an yeah stay healthy, dont forget the friends on the outside of live and all importantly keep in touch with your family, you cant pick em but they are there lovin you all the same



BootlegGiant's picture

Firstly man your a noob, if you want to play retro games thats your bussiness just dont bragg about it, I dont get what it is with old games and why people say they are good when they are not, You dont see me bragging about using my old PC on DOS and screaming how much it owns Windows, yeah man I have a black screen!! as for B3 man why dont you plug in your eathernet cable and play with all those who think its a better game (99% of this site) (Censored, Censored)  where is my copy of Super Mario Kart that game so much owns PGR 4!!! whatever, right thats my mini rant over sorry if I appear a litle negative.                        The End.

Oh and you can get God Mode on GTA which lets you rule but only use it after completion of the game otherwise you might piss of true gamers who dedicated hours on hours, days even (saddos) right this the end properly this time.                                                    The Proper End

Cymru am Byth

ichienkai's picture

Man whats to brag about playing retro games/consoles whatever... Its not like i have a choice at this point is there? Lol Theres only so many times you can play Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here on the guitar dude before that bores you too (my fav tune) - I do have plenty goin on but last night i was terrifically bored so decided to put another blog on here.  As for B3 well i'm only like 2% better than i was when the game first came out and the notable fun aspect of it for me is not being able to check traffic. Makes me chuckle:  same goes for BR on the xbox, played it for an hour or so the other night and i'm like damn you never knew that shortcut when you used to play this did you? hahaha Another chuckle.

The worst thing is the graphics - the headlights of oncoming cars seem to be like on the bonnet of your car and your a crumpled mess at the side of the road before you even knew there was a car coming, maybe its my eyesight i dunno.  And i'm not interested in goin online with this xbox, the experience would leave me wanting, i know it would!  On GTA i know all the fun cheats but its not fun anymore to put God or Panic mode on and kick back watching all the A.I noobos run around with their rocket launchers and AK47's blowing up taxi's and setting fire to each other - damn people before i hit the Panic cheat you guys were all friends! It used to be fun to jump from planes with out a parachute or fly with the jetpack but it all looks so gay now and i guess it comes down to this: You have a Subaru Impreza and a Hyundai Pony on your driveway.... which one do you wanna drive?  Except when i put the keys in my Impreza i know it wont start because i blew the engine 2 weeks ago to this day and microsoft are taking their bollocky time fixin the thing. Thats what it feels like!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

SUFFUR's picture

No, I will write a blog about it, as its long, and  as I need the points, lol. But it does fit here 'ish.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?