This actually has something in it

a twenty five word entry easy peasy Bloggy, right to bussiness I have bought 4 new games in this last week and only one has turned out good so that is roughly 90 quid down the drain ( I got one for a tenner) Bionicle Heroes what a clap trap of a game the movement dosent work on it, the camera is to slow and its a damn lego game ( me being a noobo dident read the description) Two Worlds is crap I dont care what anyone says its total shite they have tried to copy Oblivion and failed shure some of the Graphics look good but heck so did Turok and we all know what that game was like, some people like cut scenes this game is ruined by them, you cant move a yard before a cut scene pops up, Stuntman Ignition Im not even going to mention it (ok ok Ive done it but...) oops I think Ive done a booby its 3 not 4 and finaly I have The Orange Box which is a Ok game again I never read what it was about just saw 20 odd people on my buddy list playing it and thought lets get it, its not really my kind of game, I preffer to be thrown in at the deep end and shoot my way out not spend time figuring out how to get throu a level ( yes it took me a little while to turn the valve) Im going to stick with it though as there are 4 games in there and it is pretty easy, Oh just seen Sega Rally might get it later. Im slowly changing my mind with PGR 4 it gets better the more you play it, I now have better bikes like the Hiabussa (dont know how to spell that) which is a bitch to controll if you touch anything, the wobble you get is insane at 150mph, I have almost masterd the drifting on the bikes and the Kudos you get for throwing your leg out on a turn is cool, I still cant get the 100 point Endo achivement eevn though I can do a 200 blindfolded, maybe Im doing it wrong..

I played some Halo with McT and RudeBoy last night what a mistake that was you see they are both level 30's and climbing and I am a 9 and going down, yes I got owned big time Team Slayer against people who actually try is frigin hard and it dosent help when you have beer goggles on, I dont think I even got a kill, Double team aint bad   as I seem to do the best on that let my team mate run around and I mop up the kills, Lone Wolves is also fun and easy at present as I am still a low level on it I get to own , right I think thats it..    The End


ichienkai's picture

Ahh man its the game that helped to kill my 360.... what do i do with it now? I've never seen such crashes and picsalated screens (proper spelling there?) than i have whilst playing Halo 3!

Do i chance playing the game again when i know my friends are shootin the sh*t out of each other trying to up their Spartan ranks? I know nothing about Halo - hated single player 1 hated single player 2 but enjoyed co-op 3.  Dont get me wrong Halo 3 looks and feels so fluent Boot and i would like to say i will be T-Bagging someone in the future ( yay my 360 is almost back!)  but if that picsalating bollocks comes back i will be goin back to Revenge in seconds! 

By the way I knew Two Worlds was gonna be Oblivion wanna be man, how many games you got now dude??

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--