Retro Thoughts and a long comma'd flash back, sorry Frozen and others, who thought, but never said it!

For some reason, last night,  I was thinking (yes still capable) about a Burnout Track that you can't crash on, you know, a semi-tube track, like a side-ways C, and you race down the middle, but as you do corners you go up the side, then you have jumps,  over gaps and different paths of sideway C's. Then I was thinking about Extreme G (which was, I think, what I was really thinking about, and it’s a rip off from Wipeout, I think, the time line is very fuzzy, must stop thinking, danger, danger, Will Robinson), the space bike game with guns and bombs and mines. I enjoyed that game, well all versions of it, which were on N64, and I preferred it over Pod-Racer, though that was a cool game also and very fast too. Then Boot names Turok, which I played the first 3 games, though I did not like Rage War and was it the Xbox version or a 360 version that really Sucked bad eggs. But that weapon, the Cerebral Borrer (now some spelling issues), where you shot at a bad guy and the bullet drilled into his head, got in and rattled around and then exploded.

Then I remembered a game called Speed Kings by Akklaim, so went to look it up, as I forgot its name and also found the game called Road Kill, which was GTA with Cars and Clowns, back to that laters.

When I first got SK’s, I thought it was Burnout for bikes, and you could argue that, because it takes a lot to compare, Akklaim released Criterions Burnout 1 and 2, through their studio (is that right?), it’s a fast game, and you have to avoid traffic and there is a boost bar, but it has a different name, a Powerband and that was it, to the sharing and comparing. The sound was poor, graphics repetitive, with the same cars and scenery, over and over again. It did have some cool stunts that make the ones on PG4, a bit tame (Handstands on the handle bars), and dropping to the side, onto your knee, you could slide under trucks, which was cool for a while. You could jump road works and stuff, it was very fast though. But no-one else played it, so I got bored with it (I was very competitive in them days, due to youth, and games of Golden-Eye and other four player games on the N64, Snow Bo Kids another, and LAN based Halo, Combat Evolved). Unlike Burnout 2 'Point of Impact', which was shiny, had particle effects, a great sound track, that if listened to without the game would be a bit repetitive, but with the game was awesome, rising in cadence as you hit the boost. But the good thing about it was the multi-player, crash and pursuit, played for a good couple of hours, a week. SK got a couple, full stop, with different people, at different times, over the course of a month, and then I traded it in. But Burnout 2 was played solo for turned based multi-player; a mate and I took turns, trying to beat our own lap times in time trials.

There was one track (can’t name it, altzimers supposedly), that you went up the mountains, and had to do some serious drifting, after the start you went along a dam, go oncoming and near misses all the way, important for boost, avoid the truck, or put your other multi-player into it, then some easy turns to a 4 or 6 lane highway, that was twisted and buckled (4 lanes I’m sure, or was it 4 then 6 then 4. And that tunnel on my first game was the direction of choice, see learn from your first mistake, lol),then at the end of that, you had to do a 45 degree left turn, it was sharper than that but its Sunday, and I’m writing, not doing math/geometry, go up hill, a short straight, where another 90 degree left turn, with oncoming about to pop around the corner, appears, but that was an optical illusion, because it was not that sharp of a bend, and took me 50 hours to learn to follow the white line (or was it yellow, something about caution don’t over take, bend coming), miss that car, a short straight, another left turn of sharpness, then the snow would come down, (if turned on),  another short straight, a 45 degree right turn with a van on it, and if you wanted the lap time, you had to go under it, no, sorry that’s not how you say it, you have to go on the inside of it, then there was another straight'ish bit, with a bump at it’s a slight  bend(to the left) in the middle with oncoming, boost jump (yes people here is where it really worked), zip past that oncoming, going downhill to a left bend, not so sharp as the others, but going that fast, you can crash into the bend and fall off the track to the one below, and gain a lead and cut some time off, (yes, I too, have glitched on a snowy mountain track, may have done it first as a paying customer, and it could be done on the reverse Big Shores tracks too, and its variants, at the top of the S bends after the dirt track bit). Anyway, race continues and a good straight to a huge bend  to the right that can be done in one drift, staying on oncoming, miss the truck and a car sometimes, fly past your multi-player mate’s crash, who just glitched to try and do a vertical, using aforementioned  glitch, “dude that  was awesome, nice try, but that puts you behind big time” as I drive away laughing, but in awe of the first potential vertical from a great height, (we did get it to work, but both of us crashed, but it looked brilliant). Now here is where it gets blurry, I know the end of the race, start/end is just before the dam bit, but from that dropdown glitch straight, you have to drive on, do a left bend, go down a bit, NOW THIS IS THE MISSING BIT OF TRACK, was it a series of bends and tunnels going downhill, with some very ill placed oncoming of doom, or did you go right and do some turns into a sharp T junction downhill, then a sharp right, you’ll have to play it, and maybe I will when I can get my account to work on my Xbox again ? The snow eases off,  do a nasty right, into 3 oncoming trucks, see a red ‘ala Golden Gate’ bridge, miss that blue car that has two pin holes of light for headlights, I think its blue, sometimes red, like the guys who die in Star Trek, it’s in the shadow of the bridge so it’s dark, but I hoot my horn (yes, I remember a horn), then a hook a left into a straight, that goes into some S bends, with again, some hair raising oncoming, onto a downhill straight, with some more trucks, that I go in between, (I must point out that when I played Burnout 2 ‘Point of Impact’ I kept to the middle of the road, tearing down the dotted line as it were, so cars would always be near misses from both sides of the road, it got to the point with Partisan(will be introduced later), that both of us could, chase each other through the traffic, and cut in and out of it, like going around cones for a motor bike test and still keep the ‘car train’ going, some of our times were just tiny nano-seconds apart, but for the same race, and tailgating boost was not in the game till 3, I think, and if it was I don’t remember, and no wonder he kept up),after the trucks the track would drift left a bit, over a cross junction (try and go between the cars here, it can be done), a bit of a straight, then came a sweeping right turn to the left, drop down, past the line and switch right, then left onto the dam. Now this sweeping turn had different traffic on each lap, well they all did, but this was the winning corner for this track, if you did them right you would win the race. On lap 1, there was a truck and couple of cars, on lap 2, there was cars coming around the bend, making you take it wide, and to the right, you can cut inside them, but then, it was not a good line as it took, a combination of taps on the brake and accelerator, to flick the car around, to avoid the barrier of that last left turn, and then do the switch right, then left to the dam, but it can slow the car down a lot. And on the last lap, of 3, there was either loads of traffic or none, and that traffic came around the bend and up into the straight, which you either took wide and safe (not fun and knoobish), or take the risk and go down the middle and miss, graze really, the front of one of the cars, or truck, as you hit the bend, or stay in the middle and as the bend hit, cut in on the inside of the traffic, cut left and boost jump (yep another one) down over the line pulling right, switch the car over to the left to hit the dam road with all 4 wheels spinning and shoot off. Now if there was no traffic that means that there was a car at the bottom of the dip left, switch right, switch left turn dam straight, coming up, for a vertical takedown, if it was possible in this version of the game, but when you did hit it, don’t, your car would fly off the dam, in some occasions, in others cause a pill up that your multi-player mate would crash into and who ever spawned first won, bar steward behind me for most of the race, normally.

Now you know why I played for more than 2500 hours on it, and the guy I played with was called Partisan (as motioned earlier, he had the same amount of hours, probably more, as he did more all nighters and I was working then with two jobs, day and night, then messed up my back, more time to play Burnout, yes), and that was the last Burnout he ever played, he watched me play 3 and R, and picked up the controller a couple of times but, he seemed to be intimidated by real people, on-line, so never moved on, but we did play a lot of 1 on 1 with Burnout 2 for a while, chasing each other around every track, they all worked, we even used different cars, the Hot Rod, the Green Bogey and Car of Choice the Roadster, was it the Super Roadster, that was the best car? We used that for lap times. I went on line with BO3, picked a Tuned Super, after that and took the Xbox over from that day forward, and been a member of Live since, about a year after it came out.  I bought Live for Halo 2, played for a few hours, got fed up with Lag and Kids swearing so played BO3 and  for 3 days with 6 hours sleep, almost went Korean, and could have died? And have been a fan since.

Anyway, if Partisan, did get himself an Xbox and got into the Burnout series from that day (Burnout 3) onward and played Revenge and got a 360 etc, lap times would have different names in front of them, today, and there would have been, a happier Suffur, in a place where he thinks he should be (LOL), but just never really put the hours in and really learned to boost jump ala Revenge Style, unless I had my Burnout Buddy, Partisan. Now I have drunknnumpty as a Burnout Buddy, which is awesome, dude, but if history was different, would the gang have liked me kicking their ass across the track, and doing it with my light/shadow that was Partisan? Would we have been the Kings and Untouchable Ones on Revenge, would we be the ones with multi-tags, (when I say Ones I mean the gang, with Partisan teaching us the way) or am I dreaming once again.

 The rumour is when the price comes down, he (Partisan) might buy a 360 for Halo 3, get Live, meaning I might have to get that 50 meg line, with 2 meg upload, and talk him in Paradise, but the man’s confidence is shot, so I don’t think we will have that lost star, shining again. But I will make him even if I have to buy him a copy for Christmas, it will be out by then, won’t it Alex?

Anyway enough Burnout 2 nostalgia, I mentioned Road Kill in the first paragraph, it was like GTA, Merc’s and a bit Burnoutish,  with guns, all mixed up, my point of view and not really accurate, but they had some nuts driving courses and wicked jumps, off plane wings and over roofs and stuff. This was a good game and if it was made for the 360, would have had big on-line support, and would have brought the craze of seeing how many Clowns you could have stuck onto your front bumper and still drive around and kill more. It was sort of a Twisted Metal Black type of thing. Another game I still have a copy of is, Crash’n’Burn, now this game did not have the graphic flare of the Burnout games, and the handling was a bit off, but its game play on-line was great, especially Kamikaze races, where half the opponents start facing one way and the other half going the other, and you still got to win the race, mad as a bag of spiders, Hula Hooping with Polo’s.

It seems that Retro gaming is only strong if you go back to the SNES or Game and Watch, the rest in between seems to be forgotten (not so much, mind, as Xbox Live Arcade has a few Retro Games of old, and the BCL as well). There was Wave Racer for the N64 which I don’t think has really been beat in terms of visuals and game play, there was a game called,  Carve which was out for the Xbox, which I still have, which was similar (the cube version of Wave Racer was OK, but not as good as the original) and talked the tribe into getting, but when its only a couple of you playing and it’s a new experience for most, it does not have the trill, like Burnout, but it was nice for people to give it a go. I know game developers are looking for new games and want to put some new elements into a game, but I would like to see some old games get a makeover, tweaked a bit and looking stunning.

We, and when I say we, I mean Zombie and I would like to see Burnout 2 ‘Point of Impact’ being put on the Backward Compatibility List, for the 360, it was the Game that really, showed what the Burnout Team where trying to do, fast insane driving, drifting, missing cars, crashing with style and pushing what they tried to do in Burnout 1, and visually looking better than Burnout 1. I did not play 1 that much, as I went to 2 first, I think, then 1 and it was hard to sort out controls and drift styles etc, but now that it is on the 360 which is great, I might buy another copy and see how it plays?

Anyway something for people to read while sitting at their desks when they are supposed to be working, have a good week everyone.

PS still using the Criterion 205, end of week 2, unless the room is locked, then a Euro, still rather drive the Criterion 205. I even use the Criterion 205 for road rage with good results, especially Es-cap-e (ing) ala Dory style, and the other day in a race won Sunshine Keys R, beating 5 Revenge racers, who had decent ranks and skills, I might add, lol, if I had a video of that game, my driving even scared me as I avoided other people’s messes, going under and around them. Not to say, that I won many races, timed out on a few in that session. But fun all the same, we even had a couple of 202 Works races, nice to see some colour in the game, and Baked Bean is a cool colour, will we be able to get to chose that colour in Paradise, lol?

Any hew I’m done, till next time, keep on Burning and playing games, it’s good for eye and hand coordination and some thought processes, so a medical study says?


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?


Jinno Angelo's picture

Dude, you must have A LOT of time to be able to write blogs that long........ Sorry, my attention span is rather limited so I stopped reading at about 40% of the blog.....LOL..

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

SUFFUR's picture

...Than the others i wrote, the race track stuff took no time, caught up in the memory, but i did say sorry in the title, lol. So read, when you have time or don't , it's my web diary, the real meaning of a blog, so i'm told? But thanks for trying, lol. And i think most burners have short attentions spans, and last for as long as race is raced. Like Gold Fish in a bowl, going round and round, not an insult just a mind picture, and some have got flames and Revenge written on the side of them, lol. But me being an old timer and needs a rest, unlike you Whispa Snappers, i can sit and go back and experiance, life and races gone by. And Blogs allow those flash backs to seen, as it were.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Jinno Angelo's picture

I wasnt trying to insult you or anything and I didnt have anything like that in mind when I wrote my reply, but i was just suggesting that either you had a lot of time or you type an astounding 100+ words a min....LOL....


Two things came up in my mind reading that second reply of yours....

1. I think the attention span last only as good as a race...your right on that point.. Many people playing some games have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. anyways so our span seems to just be focused on something short and fast..... LOL... I dont have it but sometimes I feel like it.......LOL...

2. Old timer huh? I know you logged in tons of hours but wasnt that like last year or two? Could have sworn you dont become an old timer until 50 years down the road........



Oh one more attachment just recently updated..... I sure would have liked to race that dude partisan cause if you say he was that good, he could have taught ichi some moves to get him ready for this tourny......

"There's Jinno, One of the Twin Angels" - DjSubzero18 (Burnout Revenge Online, 3/20/ 2009).

ichienkai's picture

BIG respect to you Suffer, you once explained to me how/why you write your blogs and yeah i can see it exactly as you said... couldnt do it myself thats why i offer respect. I remember Speed Kings obviously as i have big history with bikes an they havnt killed me yet and i remember how excited i was when it was coming out and the draining of that sensation the more i played it. Even so the games that come back to me are the Road Rage series on PS1 - how cool would it have been on PGR4 to include mental hitting devices (Batons, mace, chains etc) to whack your opponents with whilst doin 150 on your Hyabusa (thats how you spell it Bootleg - think it means flying Dragon in Japanese?)

And Gold Fish In a Bowl - heard that somewhere before man....??!

--This is the Working Hour: We are paid by those who learn by our Mistakes--

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--

BootlegGiant's picture

urm yeah about 10% here, No offence ment suffur

Cymru am Byth

SUFFUR's picture

Meaning fine. Yes, for the racing bit, yes, probably was more than 100 words a minute, the other stuff 10 words a minute to check it, Im not allowed to get insulted, i might get moderated, for when I reply,  lol, plus this is public and I have to deal with critasizm(new wrong spelt word for the day). Oh, One Incognito, my first blogs took, 8 hoursor more to write, now its down to 4 hours  or less, one of the reasons, i do the big ones on a Sunday, and chill out while I write. Yes, spoke to him, Partisan, last night and sadly, though he was cool about it, the write up, i don't think he will be racing any time soon, pity, but i think hes crap now, he rides a broken bicycle, or walks, these dayz, fact. I am the one left to carry the touch and i'm not that good either, i keep dropping it and i am old compared to most of you guyz, (listen to podcast 7 or is it 6, I get a birthday mention, which was nice) wheres my Babe Ruth, Milkyway to the Brits. I've done on average, over 3 years, 6 hours a day on the Burnout games, around 6000 hours online but been on Live for 9 years or less, did my back in circa 96, Live a year or 2 after that, and yes, I should be better at the game, but if taken too seriously, I would have burned out years ago? Has Live been around that long? My time line is still a mess. But I look back and the math does not add up, but remove holidays, GF's, sick days, working, having a real social life, it might just work, I don't know, I sadly just woke up, and should have been up hours ago, so my mind is not where it should be, how long have I known people on my firends list? Is it really 9 years, that I have known most of them? Will someone confirm this? I did the math for 8 years, 6000 hours and it looks like I played for 2 hours a day on average, which seems about right, with time for other stuff. And that's just on the Burnout Games. Rainbow has been the game of choice this year, and thats an average of 4 hours a day. See if Rainbow was not out, I would have put more hours in Burnout and would be better, I blame Rainbow for being crap. No, I think my math is off, how long has live been out, I got it a year or so  later, been playing ever since, you do the math? LOL.

But i did win a Central Long F last night in me 205, sorry Criterion's 205, which was good to brag about for 5 minutes until i was timed out on another track, straight after, lol. And I am getting slapped silly, with takedowns, I gave me self a handicap and people pull me wheelchair away from me, feedback time, 10 unsportings later, I feel good. No, I don't do that, they probably did it to me for not being familiar with the game, and not using the Revenge, lol, or unsporting for using a car they didn't know exsisted. I do mute people for bad feedback (noise on the mic) and rude language, why do I want to hear strangers swear at me, I got mates who do it for free, lol. Knoobs should read my Good Room Blog. I also hosted last night, till Zom came on, wonders will never cease to amaze me!

And what about the Gold fish bowl, oh I get it, you forgot, ha ha ha, wha ha! But if you want a shorter one, be a grass hopper, they forget about thier legs, the reason they keep rubbing them, just to make sure they are there! ( I think that statement is untrue about the legs). Yes Ichi, I am writting so much faster, I now use two or three fingers now on each hand, instead of 1 on each hand, practice makes perfect, then if i did not write these, and played Burnout, i would have a rank of 2000 instead of 2560 or more, I don't really look at it these days, just at the ones less than a 1000, and see if i can beat them in the 205, and did, see above. And what do you mean by you are NO ONE in your title? I don't get it, send personal message to explain, or is it because you don't have a 360? And yes I loved Road Rash, should be an XBox Live Arcade Title with four players, lol.

New survey/poll should be done for multi answers,

Have you played: List all the burnout games, but enable people to chose the games they have played, and put in a trick question, have you made any of the games, then Criterion team members would be noticed on the site?And who is this mystery tester, another poll, have you ever been a tester of any of Criterions games. Let the Controller do the poll, no need to say as a comment on my bloggy bit. You know it should be listed in user profiles, but a page to list what Burnout games people have played would see, if they be caught in the history of the games series? And which 10% Boot, the good bit I hope, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

Burnout 3 was released on the 10/09/2004 in the UK, and I only started seriously playing online around Christmas 2004 or was it January 2005?? So, I know I have only known you for nearly 3 years, which is still quite a good chunk of time!! It does kinda feel longer especially when I think that Xandu and I have been together for nearly a year and a half already! But my rat babies are only just 2 years old. Time is wierd!

From doing a mini search it looks like Xbox Live was launched on the 14/03/2003 in the UK. Did you play any live games before Burnout 3?

--- The Original and the Best ---

SUFFUR's picture

When did the Xbox come out?, and my time line is so wrong and the math is now scarey, so I won't do it, all those hour per day? And I feel better, as knowing people for that long and only being socialble, it seems wrong and dirty. When was Burnout out, and 2(he saysTHAT being a member of THE fan site). I bought the Xbox, a year or so after i did my back, as I got a small cash sum for getting made redundant, and bought said BOX. Now 4 years on Live works, but I know i got my copy of 3 on my Birthday, 3 days early, I use the cripple line and it was my Birthday to pull that one off. But I was not online, as I still had to get the cash to get Broad Band. I think I've had Live for just over 4 years. I look back and realise how many pain killers and pain changer pills I have taken, no wonder I'm messed up, 11 years of taking a couple of pills, every couple of hours (its not that bad, I don't like taking them as it gives kidney stones, which are painful), 6 months in the chair, 1 year on the crutches, with Pysio over a 2 year period on and off, 1 year to bitch about my life being over, 2 years in college, 3 years in Uni, 6 years at BB, 3 while in Uni, got my box for a year playing Halo, Midtown, Midnight Club and Burnout etc and on Live for 3 years give or take a couple of months, Kid don't do drugs of any short, it messes up your past, lol. 

To all who have read my blogs, I am now a Liar, I am sorry, I will refrane from using dates and times in furture blogs, as my mind has become unreliable, and I don't know the real time of day, I know my watch is 15 minutes fast.  

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out? Because I forget, what was said before, and to be patient, you have to remember what you were doing it for?

And my last comments about being on Live for Nine Years, LOL, HA HA should be dismissed from the record, of this site, but I know I had a friend who told me about one of Bill Gates ideas, about having a multi-media Boxs in every home a year before, I did my back in, because he said about it in football training, when we played in the Sunday League.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?