Why did the first man shave, and why did he milk the cow?

Just some odd thoughts, to sign off with. Please add your own?

BootlegGiant's picture

deep man, very deep lol,

Why did the first Chick shave (her legs, dirty so and so) and  why does my phone only ring when im in the shower

----No1 baby, you know it!!!----

oO EezO Oo's picture

Where did Balut come from?  I mean really did someone come across some burried rotten eggs and think to himself (or herself) 'Hey I think I'm gonna eat these rotten eggs I found in the ground,  I'm sure they'll taste good'  OR did someone actually come up with the idea first and then go bury them till they were properly rotten?

"Description: A fertilized chicken or duck egg is buried in the ground for a week, after which the egg -- containing a half-formed fowl -- is soft-boiled. Balut is eaten out of the shell with a spoon; there is no need to worry about choking, as the bones and feathers are only partially formed. This delicacy is widely believed to be an aphrodisiac and is usually sold by street vendors. "

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CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!