D Is For Don't Try This At Home & Dangerous Driving

Wheelies an' Stoppies.... man we all knew this was gonna turn up on here!

I know this journo guy called Tor - he might be from Norway actually thinking about it but anyway he has his own test riding website www.raptorsandrockets.com

This is Tor doin' his thang... On a Rocket III no less and these 2300cc beasts are very heavy so yeah you could say the guy knows how to ride.  This could be one of our Rockets as we are Triumph dealers i dunno - what i do know is that we stopped letting him test ride our bikes when we saw his site!!  Tor you are a complete head case dude but the biking community owes you a  debt of thanks for what you do!

Did you know that pulling a wheelie like that can be considered Dangerous Driving by a policeman and you can get banged up for doin it? Apparently you are not in control of your vehicle - cant see where you're goin sorta thing - and if the Feds see you doin it and are in a bad mood/anti bike then you can be in serious trouble. 

First time i pulled a wheelie it was a complete accident:  setting off from a set of traffic lights with a pillion (extra weight on the back helps make light of your front end)  at some speed and my front lifts and goddamn it im pulling a wheelie! Wow i thought... this is new!  Pillion wasnt impressed but i was and then the addictive personality kicks in and im teaching myself to wheelie like a pro!

I never once came off - ive been completely vertical like completely damn vertical millimetres from spewing off the back: i could wheelie through the centre of two lanes of standstill cars with inches to spare on either side i kid you not and guess what? Im absolutely ashamed of myself for doin it - any and all of it!! What an utter prat i was. Deeply deeply ashamed and to anyone who saw me or others doin that stuff and thought wow that looks cool i must try that then i apologise from the bottom of my heart if any of my antics have led ANYONE down this same stupid road. Its not big and its not clever. And i cant do a stoppie so lets move on!

E is For Ears For Your Helmet And Stick On Doobyda's

You're sat at a set of lights in your coffin (car) and this little baby pulls up next to you with the coolest lookin dude ever sat upon it with the meanest Simpson Bandit lid on - hang on gotta find a pic of a Bandit......

 But then you do a double take and think WTF coz he's wearing these stupid bloody neon things, beard, punk stripe and stupid stick on dog ears!  Why would you do that guys??? Why???

K it might make kids smile and brighten up their day but if you're gonna look like a dufus then at least carry it through and leave them on your lid for your next big bike meet with all your mates.  Yeah... lets see what your mates think when they see you looking like this....

Hahaha looks a bit silly to me but hey each to their own i guess - well ive gone a bit bonkers with the blogs recently and no-one wants to continuously read about the same subject over an over so im gonna take a little break from the bloggy and go and trade PGR4 in coz the cone races are really gay and annoying! TTFN