My first Long one!!

well for me it is 2:30 am. and i thought i would just wrote a nice bloggy for all of you to read and ripe out your eyes .......... kidding! hehe any way i just beat portal and its a fun game by the way and im trying to download guitar hero 3 songs lol and i work tomorrow and which i cant wait to work sence i work at a game company woot ill be playing guitar hero during my lunch muahaha lol dont mind my writeing pleaze i hardly capatalize my words and dont use periods very much. but only when i remember to hehehe. hah so if anyone can clarify what i heard on podcast 10 that there is going to be a launch party? like for real or just for them??world wide i hope!!!  its now 2:50am and i should probably go to bed but i cant im to exited for some reason and its bugging me maybe its because i get to work with the girl i like tomorrow and get to see her again.... maybe thats it lol oh yeah sence im just writeing away i need to find an attorney sence my licence got suspended  because of my old job that i had never gave me info that i needed for give to the DMV which is gay so now im  getting them back!! muhahaha.oh yeah i get payed tomorrow woot ill have money lol going to buy naruto haha!! oh man have any of you haerd the song The Devil Went Down To Georgia my god its awsome even the guitar hero 3 version is just insanly awesome!!and ive been wtching videos for guitar hero for the past our while writeing this bloggy and now im going to be  night guys!!

');var link = krexLink('/gp/recsradio/radio/B000W7Y1VK/ref=pd_krex_dp_001011/104-8527961-4107926?ie=UTF8&track=011&disc=001');
document.write(link + 'Listen



SUFFUR's picture

 And dream of the girl, then ask her out in the morning.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Xedec's picture

might as well right?? haha night!!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)