Why cant I think of a cool Title

Sup my maine Blogg Dogg, hows it hanging so to speak, I'm kinda pissed with play.com COD 4 still hasent turned up, whats the point of pre-ordering if you don't get it on the day of release, I might have to pop into Asda tonight, I'm not shure if iI should change game supplier now as I would hate to not have Paradise on day relese and have all my friends sending me game invites, like I did with the Halo 3 Beta, ho ho ho that was so much fun

Today was a special day in our Town as we had a very special conventions  we had The Annual  Forestry Workers Convention situated in the Woodlands right behind my work place, where the maine focus was the preservation of the Chainsaw Reving competition,were 4 men continualy reved those beast for close to a hour and a half, roughly 60 yards away from my tender ears, you would think that in todays technological world somebody could have invented a silencer by now!!!!  my head is killing me..

Another great night on Revenge as usual I raced like a God, damn I'm good!!

right Im off to flame a couple of people on the xbox forums later bloggy