running dry, no ideas, dang it

Hey Bloggy woggy, dude where have all the Racer's gone, its like they got taken away by aliens, came on revenge around 8pm last night  and there was like 4 ranked games (Crash and foreign players) and no one in unranked, roughly 50% of the people on my buddy list were added simply as they played revenge and now they dont I would delete them but then I would be billy no mates and I cant delete the chicks anyway, what happend to the good old days when you kicked people for a laugh, now you pray and beg and promise to let them win if they stay.

I felt a little sorry for Neo last night so let him take me out as I had heard Morpheus was calling him a noob, so yeah I let him have them back

I'm getting really frustrated with my Router, the NAT has gone back to moderate on its own, so I pluged in my home hub last night and that was on Open weired frigin thing that, Im going to have to get a dude in to fix this for me and pay him a lot of money.

And whats with greedy microsoft putting B3 on the marketplace/arcade for 1200 points thats roughly £15, play sell it for £7 realy going to have to think about how dumb I look, all though if they release gamer points for it it would be worth the extra seven quid


ZombieTron's picture

Revenge is definatly getting quiet, I played for a bit on Wednesday while Xandu was in transit from Norway. When I first got online there were NO matches at all!!!

It was just because all the games were running but it was an eerie silence for a minute or so.

I joined Don Emjay for a bit after lagging out of a German game of 5 rounds 6 laps!! Luckily I lagged out in the first round after only 3 laps so I hadn't wasted too much effort.

Halo 3 has really, really sadly  taken up alot of my Burnout time, that and Xandu being in the UK again! haha

oh.. and the DL version of Burnout 3 will be just like playing it BC but without the disc, no added achievements! But, you wouldn't be able to get the achievements anyway Boot!

--- The Original and the Best ---