Blogg Dogg


Hey Bloggy, Yesterday I received Assassins Creed and I am very disappointed with it, one of the selling points for me was the ability to climb buildings to sneak up on enemy's and now it seems that its not a cool add on its a must if you want to get around the City, as soon as you start to run it alerts the guards so either you stay and fight or you escape over the roofs the best and most accurate way to describe this game to anyone thinking of buying it is think Oblivion with game play like Crackdown, sure you have a big open world which you can spend days exploring heck you could get lost in the maze of streets so just like Crackdown the only way to get around is over roof tops, now I realise why there was no Demo only a Trailer for this game, Ok Bloggy so I have got it wrong in the past  but not this time.

I had a nightmare time on revenge last night, I havent played that bad since urm.. ever, but from all the bad races I got  a sweet Vertical!!!! on The Creator, that I got from pure luck, I dident even see him but we wont tell him that will  we bloggy, right Im off as I dont want to mention how evil drunk was allthough I dont think he got many, anyway I should get my TV back today and I can give this portable 12'' black and white back to my Mum.


Xedec's picture

well Mr. Boot! i would really have to disagree! i beat the game today took me 4 days but still i beat it lol i love the gameplay the style the uniqe style and brand its brings. the thing about the game is that you can play the game any way you want run through the streets walk explore or jump through roof tops. it doesnt matter what way you play it but what you do its your choice on how you go along with the story. the thing i do rather dislike about the game is when your following some one or trying to pickpoket them one or 2 women come out of know were asking you for money and the block the crap out of you i get so anoyed i kill them and continue! lol there are some glitches but other then that is a fantastic game so good i am glad i traded in halo 3 for it muhahaha! even though i beat the game still doesnt mean i am done after you beat it you should go back and try to dicover more what hiden with in the story of the game like who desmind is and were he is and who has him its just a really well made game!


oh and boot say cheers to yer Mum for me!


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

BootlegGiant's picture

I dunno man maybe I expect to much from my games, I gave it another go today and I was wrong about it being like Oblivion, at least on that game nothing is locked and if you want you can jump off a mountain to your death you can, sure the graphics are next generation but everything is the same it reminds me of Motor City were the developers have copy & paste, it takes a lot for me to like a game and so little to flame them, & whats with the Leap of Faith its like the fighting on Final Fantasy XI, anyway thats it.

Xedec's picture

lol i dont do the leap of faith all the time i clim back down just so i dont over do it for me haha


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)