Booty, Booty, Bootylycious bloggs again

 I have taken someones advice and now wright my bloggs on a word sort of program, and heck I wish I hadent as I dont publish any of them, so yeah thanks for that SUFFUR your advice has cost me first place, cheers bud.....JK lol

As much as I hate to say this, I feel that I must Tony Hawk is finished, there is No way that he can come back from this, Proving Ground feels wrong, there is no animation when you Ollie, you just hit the A button and up you go press Y and you rail slide you don't need to aim for the rail, and there was me thinking that SKATE sucked, how wrong was I sure it has many faults but at least you fall over if you hit a kerb TH just rides up it and then there is a glitch that makes the game freeze for a few seconds which is really annoying and makes me switch it off, 1 things SKATE need's to make it the best, which is to be able to get off the board and walk or run around.


Had a Nightmare on Revenge last night, I just cant stop crashing, Oh look a big wall Bang!! Oncoming Bang!! I don't know what's going on, I used to be good damn it, I could catch up with almost the best, but I did time out the room once but my camera didn't work so I have no proof and yes ichi I would post it! Am I the only one that's getting worse at Revenge I have a HD TV damn it , I can see further than most, Wtf. is going on! Am I now finished have my uber game skills gone, bring on Paradise I say I cant be any worse on that