What Is Wrong With Me?

Sooooo i'm playing Revenge and The Bootleg leaves coz he's having EA server problems.... Big Time - come on dude with mega connection, sort it out man Revenge aint the same without you.

I decide im gonna shoot off and race ranked on FBI Gamertag but that simply aint enough as all the tags i have are very low in the ranking and im drinking heavily and know im gonna lose!  So I create a tag and jump in a ranked room and the host asks me if im gonna quit? (No Rank at this point) and I LIE and say "Aint a quitter, not played this game very much"

How ashamed.... i just bulllshitted to a female host that i didnt play revenge.

She is not happy with me when i win  - as i wouldnt be if i was hosting, but its 5 races and halfway through im apologising for acting like an idiot to all the players and i get good feedback but still feel like a douchebag for being familiar with the game. Its not in me to lose ranked, i played nothing but ranked games when i got Burnout Revenge Live - call me a whore: I would.

Im blogging because i feel guilty about coming up with yet another gamertag to have ranked fun with when i have 3 perfectly healthy world ranked tags to play with - i must be worried about losing rank:  there is no other answer.  Does this make me a rank whore?!  Boot you would say yes but please someone help me with this one: WTF is going on with me that i have to create tags in order to have fun?


oO EezO Oo's picture

Dang man...  Anything over two is a little bit obsessive LOL... (ok maybe three).  But I know what you mean.  Nobody ever enjoys watching their rank take a dive.  Some people are bothered by it less than others but no matter what they say, they would rather see the number get smaller than bigger in any given situation.  I've been doing the same thing you were doing ala my regular tag and then the DizZy tag for when the hiccups kick in.  But I try to end it right there.  The really sad thing is that I now have a better rank on my drunk tag than me real one... so.... I'm still trying to sort out what that means lol.  Its a never ending cycle once you start making more tags, after a while you'll get stuck only watching the rank drop real quick instead of enjoying the game.  You gotta break the cycle Ichi!  I have faith in you that your a strong person and you can get through this dark time your facing!  You have friends and fellow BurnoutAholics that are behind you (and in front of you sometimes) that will support  you!  You gotta take the first step though Ichi... You have to want to change dude.  It works if you work it... sux if you don't .  If you really want to get over your gamertag addiction you gotta step up to the plate and take ownership of the situation.  

Dude -   You should really only sandbag the really annoying pricks  .  Thats what the whole maneuver was designed for.  The lobbys are getting pretty dry recently so I figure I don't want to do too much to drive people away from the game.  Try to help em out a bit so there are more quality people to race against.  I know you were giving out a couple hints and tips with your 75000 ranked gamertag right? LOL

But damn it is fun breaking in a new gamertag

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


Xedec's picture

well  have 2 tags one i cant use right now but i will reactavate it tonight i want to see if you guys can figure that out!! the one im breinging back is my first ever gamertag


The harder to play every game makes you more a winner the cheating to the top!(it's like the needler got on Steroids!)

(People play Road rage on purpose?!!)

BootlegGiant's picture

Right I have chosen not to reply to this as my views are a little to close to the nerve and would probably loose 50-100 points

one more point for me

ZombieTron's picture

Ichi - You have a problem, but the problem isn't fleecing players by being better than them when you are a dot. It's not having the faith that you can beat them with your main GamerTag.

Would you have raced differently as Ichi? If you had of used your Ichi tag your rank would have improved, so why didn't you race it?

I have one gamertag, and if I am having a bad day I will lose rank, if I freeze out a few times I will lose more rank, but it feels soooo good when I have a good couple of days and see my 3000+ rank raise up to the sub 500 mark!

I'm sure I would not get the same pleasure if on my good day I was merely maintaining my top 1000 rank, or getting a dot to the 20k mark.

You don't need new tags dude, just have faith that your racing abilities will keep your rank there or thereabouts anyway! You have the skills Ichi!

--- The Original and the Best ---

ichienkai's picture

Maybe the main reason i did what i did last night with the new tag was to have a laugh, plain and simple - instead I got some abuse: that was probably justified. I dont think i really have a problem, its just easy, relaxing, racing ranked games when most of the high rankers dont want to lose their rank.  So they give their best and you get decent races!

I didnt offer any advice last night Eezo no BUT once my cover was blown as a  rank player (pronounce that with a W if you like ) then the room actually asked me for some advice which was cool. Never heard the term sandbagging dude  but i think it will fit in with my next set of races maybe!

---The Way You Are--- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7_GjdJmrWQ&feature=related

--Don't Struggle like That or i'll only Love You More--