What console will you be playing on?

Xbox 360 all the way. With XBL as a whole, it automatically makes it better than the PS3 version.

But, for like, two days I was thinking about getting a PS3 JUST for the .5% extra stuff the PS3 version will have over the 360 one. That's how big of a fan I am.

BootlegGiant's picture

well I am on my 3rd Xbox now (I never botherd to send them back) and I am having trouble with Halo 3, might try a new disk first before I condem it, but if this Elite is screwd I will be moving on to another console as they are to expensive, it was ok with the old system you could pick one up for £50 quid

one more point for me

ZombieTron's picture

I will be playing on the 360. I got the redlights of doom a while back before they changed the rules on sending them back. M$ were going to charge me £80 and take at least a month to send a working machine back to me, so I picked up a pre-owned core for £120 odd instead.

When the rules changed I sent back my premium box, so I now have 2, which is handy when Xandu is here. Anyways... Boot you should send back your broken ones as long as its the redlights of doom! And the PS3 does seem like a really nice bit of kit but unless it has a few exclusives that I can't live without I will be sticking to the 360!

--- The Original and the Best ---

Flamechu's picture

I've lost count of what number 360 I'm on. I'm on AT LEAST my sixth one. Depending on how much I get for x-mas, I'd like to use my warrenty with Best Buy and get a Falcon one (need 50 dollars for another warrenty).

oO EezO Oo's picture

I know its just a matter of time so I phoned in a repair request ahead of time.  Have an empty coffin sitting in my closet ready to go whenever my 60 lets out the magic smoke.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!


darkfiber's picture

What .5% extra stuff are you talking about for the PS3 version?

I have both a PS3 and an Xbox 360 (downloaded the demo on both) and already pre-ordered the 360 version back in July.  I am getting the 360 version because most of my friends are on the 360, I like the controller better and it has custom soundtracks.


Dark Fiber

Dark Fiber

Flamechu's picture

When asked if there will be any difference between the two, Criterion said no, in any noticeable way. But they were talking about how they started on the PS2, and were going to take care of their fans. So I figure an extra car or two, some random billboard or graffiti, and/or an extra song.