Happy Hols Bloggy

 Happy Crimbo Bloggy.


Right Blogster I have gone back to my Burnout Root's, that will be Burnout 3 for me, there is no way I will go further than that, so I bought a new copy for a tenner unplugged my Ethernet cable (I will get a lot of crap if some of my friends see me playing it) and started from scratch and to be truthful, I am enjoying it immensely, No more lazy take downs now I have to work for them by actually timing my move and not bumping someone lightly, no more constantly holding the boost button on corners now I have to conserve it and use it wisely as it is not handed to me, I am about a quarter way through the game and do not see me completing it as I don't like crash, oh yes bloggy I noticed that DJ what's his name is a Clan Grrrr original member with his quip at the end of the muscle GP when he said the immortal words Grrrrrrrrr, right 32 Gold Medals later and yeah still having fun, tried to go online to see what the lap records were and that same problem that I had with Halo 2 popped up, my damn HD cable ah well never mind, offline is so much fun who cares, hopefully by the time I finish it I will be more in tune for Paradise as I do see it more like Takedown than anything else, the Sport series is doing my head in those cars spin out so easily, but I am really surprised that I still remember the tracks and most of the traffic patterns and I haven't played it in what close to 2 or 3 years but when I did play it I put in the hours most night's being 7pm till 12pm, throwing a couple of sickies so I could race


right bloggy I don't think I have anything else for you other than played a little Revenge last night and got the sweetest vertical on Giuppy who was not playing up to his usual standard, ah well its about time I got to beat him (that's what you get for playing Paradise Noob) and Mr F00 raced like a chick as usual (nothing new there) and some random dude called Dark something trying to be all hard and Gangsta (whatever) fair enough if first place wants to give the loosers behind him a bit of banter (damn you ichi) but being in last place and screaming how much everyone in front sucks at the game is pointless (oops I do that, but only to ichi as he deserves it) as all the room did was pull over and mute the noob and they still beat him,


Oh and if you ever join this site or read this blogg 'Local Penguin' I frigin hate you for beating me at skate, I have played from close to release, I have baterd that game (disk has scratches to prove it) and I only have 150 points on it 'Local Penguin' gets it and abra ca flipin dabra two weeks later he is on 400 points so yeah no Xmas message for you ever again.