Just Wondering...

"The third is me playing Revenge by the looks of it, we wanted to show Criterion the impact of Drift Jumping. And I needed a haircut! terrible pictures of me, but anyway!"


This was quoted from a previous post of Zombie, but I was just wondering what did they say about the drift jumping when you showed them how it impacts the game.... 


SUFFUR's picture

What was their words to the most abused glitch in Revenge, confering allowed, lol.

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?

ZombieTron's picture

I kinda put my foot in it when Criterion took us out for dinner and I said "Drift Jumping is the reason I'm still playing Revenge 2 years on." Which didn't go down too well!!  But they were interested to see why, and when Xandu was racing White Mountain we got a big crowd watching to see how fast he could go.

I think the main reaction was mild amusement that a glitch in the game is the reason why I still find it challenging enough to keep coming back for more!

--- The Original and the Best ---