Head Start's are lame and un-called for (its a Bloggy post)

 I think I have played a record amount of Revenge this holiday season and have met many wonderful people and a couple of Noobs, now a noob to me is someone who thinks they are good at a game but are not, they think that they own but yet only use one vehicle (not talking about you ichi, noob) so there I am racing away in the aeroplane (Alienware) and erm yeah it was a bad race so the noob that won decided to give me a head start (noob) and yeah I timed him, and then there was a guy who beat me while I was in a 202 and yeah he thought it was a actual fair event with him being in the revenge racer, and then it gets worse 4 laps and just having a Nixon race going for take downs and yeah the guy who thinks he is a God picks the wait for it Revenge and times every body out, well seeing as he was the only one racing I guess that would happen, but the worst part was when 3 people in the top 100 joined ranked 11, 26 and 100 then you know its going to hurt and guess what neither of them chose the Revenge well apart from Cristos I am a noob Raptise the original Neo, but I did get a very lucky take down on Swift, and I did pretend to be new at the game so as they would take it easy on me and then there is my favourite Italian who decided to do a ichi, pick a hot rod and go and do something else so yeah 17 take downs later and I guess he was not a happy bunny, damn hard it was as well, right thats it no more finito.


Dr Who is one of the only TV show's that I watch, and there being a special with Kylie on xmas day at ten to seven on BBC 1 had got to be my highlight so when I switch on the old TV at 6pm and realise that the only channel that works is BBC 2 you can guess what colour the air was