Everyone's favorite whinning returns

kevlar0's picture

Lordy lorks alive, Its eye bleedingly fast in the hunter on the demo, Can't imaging how mental the world circuit is gonna be,

Me + World circuit = not going very far due to hitting things a lot...

my dog ate my disc.

BootlegGiant's picture

In revenge I have managed to slow down my breathing and not blink to often, I can see that with Paradise I will have to stop breathing all together and pin my eyes open with a couple of three by two's, how many days are left and how come the States get it first, I thought Criterion were English and why do we not have a release date for Rock Band

to be continued.........

oO EezO Oo's picture

Boot,   you need Rock Band, and get Ichi in on it too.  Hella fun game.  Its hit or miss with the drum part, you'll either love it or hate it (after getting it properly synched to your tv) but its tons of fun.  Surprisingly vocals are alot of fun too.  My brothers girlfriend who is very shy won't put the microphone down.  And now I will shut up because I know how annoying it is to hear someone else ramble on about how great a game is when its not available for someone else to play,  so here I go..... shutting up right... now....erm, ok now.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!