(((White MT F(((((

Ok so zombie tron suggested that i should make a blog on my video that is now in the burnout-takes section, so here we go!

So the people in it are: Silentx76(Austrailian racer), Waterball, Rofer(Americans), and Slinky Shunsuke (a Japanese racer)

On the first lap at the end of those S turns, you can see silent performing a sick harrier jump over my car and then he went through those dangerouse pillars going through the clocktower and when i told silent i was recording this he was like plz plz pzl upload that vid man. And then i  was like going through those pillars are easy man, i could do it no problem. So i decided to do it on the third lap since i figured i was goijng to upload it.

It was a pretty cool race overall, except those crashes i kept on getting on the last straight, and also i kept missing that last drift bump i usually get 235-240. On the second lap, it was partially my fault that i crashed but it was pretty stupid because when i checked those cars they kinda dragged me into the wall. I could have probably done something but whatever the crashes there give you a fast respawn anyways. On the third lap, it was 100% waterballs fault that i crashed on that bridge. The cars he checked just straight up raped me into the wall.

The music: I like the beat in the first song, but then the song that ends the video is like one of my favorite songs because i am obsessed with nine inch nails.

Hope u like it :)