Paradise Demo - completed. I think.

Hello and welcome!
It's been a while since I was here last time. All is caused by the Demo (And other games I bought for my PS3 - no time for site, just playing). To be honest - I must say that the demo is absolutely FANTASTIC. I love playing online with my friends (seems that most of clan I'm in will buy the full game) and getting higher and higher scores in every race. I must admit that Stuntrun rocks. Yesterday, while waiting for my mate to join me online, I decided to play Struntrun event once again, because I haven't been doing it for a 2 weeks. Score? 3,5 MILLION POINTS. Damn seriously, I feel PRO as hell! I had multiplier around x35 and was simply jumping around. Once I have crashed, I saw the score. And I was astonished by this, what I've achieved. Moving forward, I went online and shouted at my friend where was he, then I told him what score I had. He asked me: "Dude, aren't you an adroid?". Anyway, we'd got online, have played together for a while and more people joined us. Unfortunatelly for them, I was in lobby. 650+ degree FaltSpins, 3x Barellrolls, 4,5k feet oncoming, 15sec air time, 150 feet longest jump. It's always like that. I dunno HOW am I doing this. But it seems that even Japanese guys are fed up with this, because they're kicking me out of a game when I'm about to dominate the last category. You know what? I am proud of myself because of that :D
And by the way - download Japanese version of the demo. You'll get another car - Nakamura GT - Skyline GT-R-look like one, which you can see on the intro. It's faster than Hunter Cavalry (4 "dots" in speed, not 2) and it has better boost (3 "dots). To do it you have to have the japanese account at PSN, I dunno how is it at XBL.
THX for reading and Take Care!


ZombieTron's picture

cos your stats make me feel like such a noob!!

I don't mind being last on all today best really I don't

I think the japanese car can be obtained on XBOX too, but I can wait for the full game. 

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