Revenge has Neo COD 4 has Ninjakai I'm doooomed Bloggy

 Helooooo Bloggy

I have never been that good at FPS but I am what I like to think consistent and do try my very best and never give up even when its ownage time, I was never that good at Halo 2 but I did know the maps like the back of my hand and weapon spawn points etc. etc. where to hide and wait the same goes for Call of Duty 3 (2 is a sore point never to be mentioned) I knew were to go on the maps to get some decent amount of kills and obviously where not to go, Halo 3 I have no idea if I am coming or going probably because I haven't played it long enough to find these things out, but I do think that I am putting in a decent amount of hours on COD 4 and I am learning new things all the time, like the places you can climb to get a advantage on your opponent or creeping instead of running and so the other night I thought I would show a friend some of the cool things I had learnt and maybe get a couple of cool kills on him but little did I know that he is a frigin Ninja at that game and knew everything that I was trying to show him and just to add insult to injury not only did he Melee me, Grenade me, Shoot me, Pistol whip me, he laughed at me each time he did these horrible things if it was not for the kill cam I would still not know how he did this so ichienkai you are officialy known as Ninjakai and should change your tag to this as so to warn the people of xbox live of your knowledge of camping. I wont add a lol as I aint laughing