Crash FM Daily!?!

Episode 15 is out now, and in Episode 14 we were told they would try to do an episode a day until release!

Episode 15 is a technical one, about developing a game on multiple platforms.

I really enjoy the podcasts, and Criterion Games do answer ALL the questions they get. So if you have a question you want answered by the people who made the game send an email to: and put "Podcast" in the subject box.

On a side note, did anyone learn to play the Guitar Tabs yet???

oO EezO Oo's picture

Episode 15 is great.  Its about technical stuff but they keep the technical jargon down to a minimum so you don't snooze through it.  If I sum it up its about developing a game from scratch from the start for both platforms and where each platform is different from each other.  I like how they keep it unbiased through pretty much the whole thing.  They mention how just for grins they write up some code that can run faster on a PS2 than a PS3.  And how anyone can make a solid argument for either platform depending on how you want to start your point of view from.  Not alot of Paradise stuff.  Anyone whos ever been dragged into the 'which platform is better' should have a listen to episode 15.

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!

CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!