Morning Bloggy

 Morning Blogster, yep I know I haven't been in touch lately but I have been busy (lazy more like) but anyway I have had to start playing ranked games now as getting a full room in the player lobby is very hard now days, I had bit of fun last night and a bit of friendly banter with our american buddies and the dude that used to work in a gay bar (blue oyster was it ichi) and not wanting to gain any rank on my tag I have created a ichi tribute gamertag, lets face it we all love that guy and what better way to show our inspiration towards him than to create a tag in his honour, mine is

ichi is a noob, so yeah ichi no matter how bad your feeling right now just remember some sad twat created a tag in your honour, Some friends have asked me if I have booked next Friday off work as the new Need for Speed is out, I'm sorry bloggy but that is what people are calling it, I try to deffend the game ah well.


There is nothing worse than waking up at 3am with a killer thirst because some noob forgot to turn off the central heating and finding out you have nothing to drink apart from tap water.

Finally after what close to two years or is it a year McT has beaten my Hexic score and sent me a obscene amount of messages, who cares! no one plays it anymore.