Inside the 360 some articles.


Read an ‘open’ 360 feature and thought I would put it on here...with other articles about the 360's working or not workings, lol. Some of these are old articles but new to me, and maybe you too, the reader.  

Talks about the innards of consoles, and two other links from the same article. 

Talking about the failures of the 360 console. 3 Red Lights etc.


They were an interesting read.


Since I got my Xbox 360, from near day of release, it’s a Nov 2005 build, and it Red Ringed me the other day, 2 Reds (getting hot) and then the Three Red Lights (Six Proboscis (the correct spelling)) too, I started to Panic a bit. It got taken off line, Powered OFF, Unplugged and cleaned with a Hoover, DVD drive lens cleaner, the works, without getting a screw driver of the 6 sides. 

After about 15 minutes of making sure my life line to Xbox Live friends and gaming was clean, I went online, after about an hour it shut its self down, Ohhhh shyte. It’s not done that in a while, a long while, and it’s only done it twice, and I think to overheating?  

So I had a word with a mate that repairs 360’s officially and took it down there. I have seen him take apart a 360 in less than a minute, it’s scary to see, the ripping off of the grey plastic, the big click as the shell is removed, the quick spin of the six sided screws, the under breath swear of the internal state, but since I have seen him do this since its release, and with his supervision, I did mine, and it looked bad, bits of fluff, lots of dust, some ingrained, like a tramp off the streets, some Blue Tack (my secret is out for FPS), and Nicotine stains, it was nasty.  

So my 360 was suffering from asthma and a possible cancer, as well as in need of a good bath or at least a hose down in the garden. Anyway, a machine under a work beanch started to whir, a compressor got rid of my dust problem, cleaned out the air ways then some approved spray cleaner to get rid of the dirt and ciggy stains.  

The DVD drive was also very nasty, the lens, looked like it was full of smoke, and ingrained dirt was spun into the frame of the casing, again very nasty. Again with the cleaning, it took more than an hour before she, yes, my 360 is a she, was put together again. We powered her up and she was working and very silent, and not gasping for air. A job well done, and I thank my friend for the help he gave me to resurrect my 360. Not that she was dead, just ill so resuscitate may be a better word. 

I do know that my Xbox 360 is a survivor, not had to send her away or anything, but I learned early on not to stand her up, as disks get scratched, but I now know that if you stand a 360 up, when it over heats, the solder becomes soft, and moves a bit, to the point it does not work. Now me laying her down, meant no sloshing solder, no scratched disks, or arching of her mother board sideways, when she gets hot under the collar and may have extended her life.

I don’t want to send her away; she may come back different, and not an upgrade but salvage from the repair room of other passed 360’s. I don’t want Frankenstein’s Bride! If I knew she was getting an upgrade to HDMI, cooler possessors, and better heat sinks, and still have her soul intact I would but, without that prior knowledge, I may have to buy her a companion, like a Black Elite, bigger HDD, HDMI, cooler CPU, better heat sink, and lower power  consumption, she may not like it to start with as I will use that Elite to its fullest, but she knows I will be back to her as my BO3 save is on there, as well as other shared experiences.


PS Any donations to get said companion for my 360 are welcome, lol.


I have got a picture of my 360's internals with the dirt but as yet still have to learn to do this. But it will go there, just imagine yellow stains and fur, with the dust.

Inside of Suffur's XBOX 360


Patience is something I taught myself, so I never know when it's going to run out?





BootlegGiant's picture

I have never sufferd the curse that every gamer fear's, the dark light that makes people cry, I once had three lights that made me worry but all was over when I realised the cable had come out of the back, I only suffer from the old disk drive problem, (disk not recognised) and I am on my 3rd 360 this one being the Elite, I hope this one last a little longer.

to be continued.........