Updates 02-02-2008

The super jump guide is now done. Thanks to evild for taking all the screen shots and making the map.

Have a look at our new Super Jump Guide. Originally I made it so that you could zoom in on parts of the map and then select the jump. This solution was not brilliant and I finally ended up showing the whole map in 1600x1200 rez with a horizontal scroll bar. This is easy to navigate and the map is displayed the way it was meant to. You can click on the green dots to go directly to a screen shot of the jump.

Then on to the January summary... business is booming at BurnoutAholics.com! We had over 22000 unique hits and over 140000 page views in January. This is really high numbers and at one point I was a little bit worried that we would not be able to handle this kind of traffic. After having a look at the performance stats it seems like everything is running very smoothly so no need to worry .