Morning Bloggy, I had a good time on Revenge last night and got trashed by a 9 year old, (dude why is a 9 year old on your buddy list) I wont mention who's list he was on but it sure as heck was not mine, Ezo and Bizo (there is also a Fizzo) joined (very urm doggy that) the mood of the room was exellent apart from Cozzy being a non talker and concentrating on her racing (390 do you blame her) I was going for lap times but it did not work, to many walls and concrete tree's for me last night.
ichi is going to Iawo or is it Idaho or Iowa, dont know all I know is flying a small air craft over the Atlantic Ocean, if you crash in to the sea dude, hold on to the white pallet
it was funny when I gave them 205 cars and Cozzy did not know which one to choose (noob) and left them to it, I went staraight to dashboard and yeah I hope it lagged for you guy's
oO EezO Oo
Sat, 02/23/2008 - 01:19
what I remember from those races.
EeZo : Hey Boot - whats it gonna be? Paradise or Revenge? Pick your poison...
Boot: Revenge
EeZo: Cool dude, I'll see you over there.
Boot: Can I Spank You
EeZo: Uh, sure Boot, ok, whatever, spank away
Boot: No you idiot! I don't want to spank you, thats the persons room I'm in, the gamertag - CanISpankYou
EeZo: Oh, well, this is a bit awkward now isn't it?
Boot: too many action figures EeZo, too many action figures dude...
CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!
CAPS LOCK - Cruise control for AWESOME!!