wa hey Bloggy

Waa Hey Bloggy, bloggy woggy, (damn I like saying that) I have the youtube bug and have even bought a camcord  to blogg my succes with my new hobby, (its fun to melt things) I have made a few Aluminum Ingot's my next project will be to make something in a sand mould.

I noticed one new of the member's is spazzy dan a.k.a. Little Dan Uk one of the best Burnout 3 racers I ever played against (old skool racer) and would know exactly were on the track I was which was realy freaky (hardcore man)

and ichi you have to join youtube and then they send you a email and you must click on the link they send you to activate your account before you can subscribe to any one on there.

Oh and before I go Ezo is a noob... (dang it to many 'o')