Got 6,000,000 points in a stunt run

Hey you guys should check out my Stunt run best 6,ooo,ooo i got tht was a x47 lol im proud of myself lol just kidden


Mad Wookiee11's picture

Did you hear on the podcast how one guy wrote in and said he got 1 billion points?  It must have taken a half hour!

Utinam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant!

Latinam est, fatue!

senocular's picture

They had stun run videos on the criterion games home page - I think both of the billion points run (just the end, showing the score) and also, I think, of the guy doing it backwards in a speed car.


Burnout Paradise Map:

Kylec0722's picture

i heard it took him 2 hours