ILM: Now for the PSP

The Burnout Paradise Interactive Map has made its way to the PSP!  There were some Flash versioning kinks that still had to be worked out, but after that I was able to address the memory issues.

For the most part, I was able to do that (in part, thanks to my shiney new PSP I picked up for testing). Some of the features have been removed, such as KML editing, and the map resolution isn't so hot, but at least it works.  The PSP may still bite it if a large map is loaded, however.  As long as the maps loaded remain fairly small, you should be ok and not run out of memory.  I can try additional memory shortcuts but the best thing to cut back with is the map res, and that ends up not making for a good map.  PSP users may just need to limit what's loaded (stick to the smaller maps).

Speed is also an issue.  It's super slow, but usable.  I will try to increase the rate at which movement is applied making it a little faster to get around.

So, without further ado, here is the link for your PSP


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