Temp Tag = Liberation

 So after having the recent fun and games with Microsoft with regards to getting my 2 360’s fixed I ended up with 2 free months worth of xbox live.. although my subscription is up for renewal and I could have got two free months for ‘drunknnumpty’ I decided to reactived my second tag and see what I could do with the rank on Revenge.. think its currently around the 800 mark and was going to see if I could get it down below my regular tag’s rank of <300..


However, with one of the recent updates it then fixed the location of my second tag to New Zeland so I could not change it back to UK and there for could not reactivate it with my codes.. so it was time to find another new tag.. and as Microsoft had given me a nice second tag I thought I would leave it up to them to make a recommendation.. after going through a number of choices I decided that I would use something they suggested and the first part of my second tag.. and as such ‘abusedkarma’ came into existance.. so for the past week I have been spending a couple of hours a day as abused mark II, mainly on revenge, and have been enjoying the annonimity of being a noob..


It has also allowed me to jump into different rooms with no fear of already knowning someone in there.. and a chance to go in some rooms I normally wouldn’t due to personality difference.. this in turn has led me to bump into some others on their second/third/forth tags.. the main difference between karma and drunk is that karma is typically silent.. and I even got kick from a room because of that.. lol.. something I would never do when I host a room..


I was in one room that was running for lap times.. 4 rounds, 4 laps.. although I was running normally and picking up the points, the two guys going for lap times were flying.. there were a couple of 1:10’s on angel valley and 1:09 on sunshine keys reverse.. which were impressive.. although I only stayed for one set of 4 as it was a little boring for me and it was very hard to generate any boost when you sitting a couple of miles ahead of the last person.. but 24 points in 24 points and I left happy..


Also had a very enjoyable evening on last night as karma.. and it reminded me of old times.. initially it was myself and Suffur in the room.. yes I did have one friend from drunk keeping me company.. it was a little weird for the first hour as we never managed to get a full room, either there wasn’t enough people wanting to join, people did have their mic in.. and ‘no mic, no play’ in my room.. but slowly it started to fill with people who wanted to race..


I don’t know what it is but abusedkarma was straight into flirt mode in the room.. I admit it.. it was shameless.. unrequired.. but was highly entertaining and I even made a new friend… lol


So would I recommend getting a second tag for a temporary period.. yes.. its like being born again.. all new a shiney with no rep.. no lamerpoints.. and no history.. you can start again and still keep your old identity for when you want to be yourself again.. I like the possibility of different personalities depending on who you want to be that day.. and it seems to keep the voices in my head happy.. lol..


there's a thin line between genius and insanity, I think I've fallen off..