B1GGR4Y's blog

Cheated & annoyed!

Big Surf Island.      Woo hoo.     

Now 1 day on & it's complete. (Maybe not so big after all)

I'm only 9 challenges away from completing everything & getting the P12 diamond. Question is, can i be bothered. With all the newbies who don't seem to have a clue what the online challenges are about, it's getting increasingly more annoying.

It seems that the hardest part of the game (for me, anyway) is finding another 7 players who actually know what they're doing. Unfortunately i now find myself thinking WAS IT ALL WORTH IT?

x3 boost chain (GT Nighthawk)

I have bought the Legendary cars & have done the trophies that come wih them. Except the x3 boost chain GT Nighthawk. I got a x6 boost chain & still no trophy. Can anyone help me? Is it a glitch as with the 10 timed challenge trophy? If u know why my PSN id. is B1GGR4Y. See you in Paradise SOON. Thanks. (",)

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